Thank you to the elected officials, community leaders, organizations, businesses large and small and hundreds of fellow Houstonians endorsing me for City Council At-Large Position 1.

To add your name sign up at the bottom of this page.






Matthew Abraham Felicia Galloway-Hall Andres Pereira
Debra Adams Pat Gandy Rev. Dayle Perry
Craig Adams Karen Hegland Garcia Angela Blyth Pisecco
Nargis Ahmed Gilbert Garcia John Pohlman
Jaymes Alexander Tracy Gaytan Dr. Zeb & Anna Poindexter
Rep. Alma Allen Tom Gederberg Kathleen Powell
Stephen Allison Joe Gillespie Sherry Tavel Propst
Arnoldo Alonso Cynthia Ginyard Hon. Gordon Quan
Rep. Carol Alvarado Irma González Galvan Pastor Simione Queen
Troy Andrews Tracy Good Laura Quisenberry
Jose Apodaca Kenny Gordon Barbara Ann Radnofsky
Carolyn Aresu Neal Gorman Carl Reinhert 
Razi Asaduddin Susan Graham Ruben Restrepo
Dian Austin Congressman Gene Green Lucy Reyna
Jim Ayres Martha Griffin Hon. Ron Reynolds
Rev. Burton Bagby-Grose Rob Griffith Marvin Rich
Bill Baldwin Hon. Gabrielle Hadnot Terri Richardson
Brooks Ballard Kevin Hamby Michelle Risher
Bethany Bannister Mary Hamm Eric Roberson
Wendy Barker Terry Hamman Melissa Rodgers
George Barnstone Sean Hammerle Pati Rodriguez
Ian Barrett Wes Hart Rudy Rodriguez
John Bartos James Hazen Joe Rogers
Randall Beaman Richard "Didi" Hee Debra Rogers
Max Beauregard Teresa Herrin Constable Alan Rosen
Gerry Birnberg Robert Hinojosa Donna Roth
Kathy Blueford-Daniels Gilberto Hinojosa Rick Ruble
Willie Belle Boone Anna Hiran Sean Ryan
Nicolas Brines Rev. R.G. Holiday Vincent Sanders
Elizabeth Brock Morgan Howard Janis Scott
Stewart Brooker Laura Huddleston Matt Selheimer
Bill Brooker Ray Hunt Paul Simon
Steve Brown Alan Hurwitz, MD Bobby Singh
Derek Brown Charlotte Jackson Hon. Rhonda Skillern-Jones
William "Billy" Burge David Jezek Ross Smith and Tony Shelton
Thomas Burns Carson Joachim Shaun Smith
Brian Buzby RL and Cora Johnson Stephen Smith
Alvin Byrd Kyle Johnston Peggy Smith
Chris Canonico Mitchell Katine Judith Snively
Tony Carroll and Bruce Smith Shelley Kennedy Barbara Stalder
John Caso John Christian Bullitt LaRue Pat Strong
Grady Castleberry Gigi Lee Bob Thomas
Benjamin Chou James Lee Wreatha Thomas
N. Denise Coleman Miguel Leija Jr. Hon. Rob Todd
Lance Cook Januari Leo Johnny Trlica
K. M. Cooper Joseph Levitan Javier Valenzuela
Michael Copenhaver Jo Lewis Jack Valinski
Miguel Cortez Ryan Lindsay Ed Vargocko
Sherri Cothrun Larry Lingle Lillian Gallegos Villarreal
Tirey Counts Risa Litt Hon. Tom Vinson
Pat Courtney Kyle Longhofer Rep. Hubert Vo
Catherine Couturier Luis Lopez Kim Watson
Vince Cruz Omar Lopez Janice Weaver
Hon. Carlton Currie Dalea Lugo Rene Weaver
Debra Danburg Jim Lyon Clinton Wells
Paul Dauben Exerta Mackie Tim Weltin
Carl Davis Kamau M. Marshall David Wenninger
Sen. Wendy Davis Debra Marshall Karen Wheaton
Brandon de Hoyos Scheli Mason Carol Wheeler
Levi Debose Dave Matthiesen Carl Whitmarsh
Laquitta DeMerchant Hon. Glen Maxey John Whitmire
Constable Chris Diaz Justin and Kayleigh McClung Darnella Wilkerson
Mayor Ana Diaz William McDugald Larry Wilkins
Dillan Dimas C. Patrick McIlvain Steve Winnett
Scot Dollinger Clara Meek Ashton Woods
Perry Dorrell Robert Mele Susan Woodyard
Catherine Dorsey Bob Mitchell Jimmy Wynn
Durrel Douglas Vilma Morera Centerpoint Energy Inc. PAC
Steven Duble Mary Morrison Democracy for Houston
Stephen Dunlap Alejandro Morua Harris County Deputies' Organization 
Brian Dupnick Hon. Olga Moya Harris County Tejano Democrats
Aj Durrani Jane Johnston Mumey HESP Local 6315
Trevor and Stefan Eade-Hill Joe Muscara HESP Union Local 6315
Andrew Edmonson John Nechman & Ricardo Ruiz Houston Area Stonewall Democrats
Hon. Ada Edwards Shane Nelson Houston BOMA
Glenn Etienne Tam Nguyen Houston GLBT Political Caucus 
Jim Evans Hon. Richard Nguyen Houston Police Officers' Union
Rep. Jessica Farrar Michele Nunez Houston Police Retired Officers Association
Doris Fears Ken Olive Houston Prof. Firefighters Local 341
Franc Flores Bob Palacios Houston Stonewall Young Democrats
Steve Flores Roger Palomino Ironworkers Local 84
Ramiro Fonseca Dr. Dorina Papageorgiou and  IUPAT District 88 Painters Local #130 & 
Kenneth Fontenot James Cargas Glaziers Local #1778
William Charles Foster, III Jovon Tyler Parker Latino Labor Leadership Council
David Fowler Diana Patino Teamsters  Local Union No. 988
Ramona Franklin Carrin F. Patman Texas Working Families PAC on 
Sharon Laverne Fuller Jim Peacock Behalf of Carpenters Local 551
Scot Gallaher Johnny Peden  
Hon. Carol Mims Galloway Alejandro Pedraza  

Who's endorsing

J.M. "Smokie" Phillip Afro-American Sheriff's Deputy League
Cindy Vara Leja Coalition of Police and Sheriffs (C.O.P.S.)
Dwayne Lark Harris County Council of Organizations
Houston Prof. Firefighters Local 341 Houston Prof. Firefighters Local 341
David Wenninger IUPAT District 88 Painters Local #130 & Glaziers Local #1778
Harris County Tejano Democrats Harris County Tejano Democrats
Houston Area Stonewall Democrats Houston Area Stonewall Democrats
Houston Stonewall Young Democrats Houston Stonewall Young Democrats
Dem Houston Democracy for Houston

297 endorsements

Will you endorse?

Showing 331 reactions

  • Rob Scamardo
    endorsed 2015-09-16 16:17:13 -0500
  • Ron Goines
    endorsed 2015-09-16 09:41:11 -0500
  • Hope Local 123 (TX)
    endorsed 2015-09-14 18:49:53 -0500
  • J.M. "Smokie" Phillip
    Afro-American Sheriff's Deputy League endorsed 2015-09-14 18:48:29 -0500
  • Cindy Vara Leja
    Coalition of Police and Sheriffs (C.O.P.S.) endorsed 2015-09-14 18:45:02 -0500
  • Dwayne Lark
    Harris County Council of Organizations endorsed 2015-09-14 18:42:27 -0500
  • Jeanette Rash
    endorsed 2015-09-11 13:09:02 -0500
  • Rene Amaya
    endorsed 2015-09-03 14:34:02 -0500
  • Celeste Budwit-Hunter
    endorsed via 2015-08-26 15:07:25 -0500
  • Celeste Budwit-Hunter
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-08-26 15:04:45 -0500
    I'm endorsing Lane Lewis for Houston City Council, At-Large Position 1. Please join me!
  • Celeste Budwit-Hunter
    @budwithunter tweeted link to this page. 2015-08-26 15:04:40 -0500
    I'm endorsing Lane Lewis for Houston City Council, At-Large Position 1. Please join me!
  • Celeste Budwit-Hunter
    endorsed 2015-08-26 15:03:40 -0500
  • Roy Alvarez Jr.
    endorsed 2015-08-26 11:12:46 -0500
  • Roy Alvarez Jr.
    posted about this on Facebook 2015-08-26 11:10:25 -0500
    I'm endorsing Lane Lewis for Houston City Council, At-Large Position 1. Please join me!
  • Rosendo Ramos
    endorsed 2015-08-25 11:40:12 -0500
  • Houston Prof. Firefighters Local 341
    Houston Prof. Firefighters Local 341 endorsed 2015-08-21 01:35:03 -0500
  • David Wenninger
    IUPAT District 88 Painters Local #130 & Glaziers Local #1778 endorsed 2015-08-21 01:18:18 -0500
  • Harris County Tejano Democrats
    Harris County Tejano Democrats endorsed 2015-08-21 00:49:32 -0500
  • Houston Area Stonewall Democrats
    Houston Area Stonewall Democrats endorsed 2015-08-21 00:46:54 -0500
  • Houston Stonewall Young Democrats
    Houston Stonewall Young Democrats endorsed 2015-08-21 00:46:14 -0500
  • Dem Houston
    Democracy for Houston endorsed 2015-08-21 00:44:38 -0500
  • Debra Rogers
    endorsed 2015-08-19 23:16:55 -0500
  • Terri Richardson
    endorsed 2015-08-19 23:16:45 -0500
  • Larry Lingle
    endorsed 2015-08-19 23:16:33 -0500
  • Pat Gandy
    endorsed 2015-08-19 23:15:55 -0500
  • David Fowler
    endorsed 2015-08-19 23:15:44 -0500
  • Rev. Burton Bagby-Grose
    endorsed 2015-08-19 23:15:34 -0500
  • Craig Adams
    endorsed 2015-08-19 23:15:16 -0500
  • Kathy Blueford-Daniels
    endorsed 2015-08-19 17:13:46 -0500
  • Rep. Carol Alvarado
    endorsed 2015-08-19 17:07:19 -0500