Small Efforts Make Big Impacts
Ms. H. bought her home and built her life on her own. She was married twice in her full life, but her modest home in North Houston is the product of her hard work. Last week, when she called our campaign to pledge her vote, there was a tremor in her voice that my campaign manager noticed. She needed help with many things in her life and my campaign manager promised her I would return her call personally, and gave his word we would do what we could.
Houston Teachers Endorse Lane Lewis

Houston Federation of Teachers Support Fellow Educator Lewis
Lewis Will be on November Ballot
Lane Lewis Officially Files for City Council At-Large Position 1
Read moreHon. Rob Todd Endorses Lane Lewis
Three term Houston City Council Member Rob Todd endorses Lane Lewis for City Council At-Large Position 1
Read moreHon. Ada Edwards Endorses Lane Lewis

Former District D Council Member Ada Edwards
endorses Lane Lewis for City Council At-Large Pos. 1